Power flushing?

What is it? Why do I need to get it done?

We have all heard of that dreaded radiator that only heats up half way, and that noisy boiler that keeps us up!

Power flushing is a deep clean for your radiators, pipes, and valves. It will help improve the efficiency of your system and lower your energy bill.

Warning signs:

  • Cold and uneven radiators
  • Noisy boiler
  • Frequently having to bleed your radiators
  • Discoloured water when bleeding radiators
  • Central heating slow to heat up

Reasons to Power flush:

  • Eradicates cold areas on radiators
  • Eliminate sludge, rust and other debris
  • Improve radiator efficiency
  • System has never had a power flush
  • Lower energy bills

Contact us today for a free quotation

020 7229 4691 / 07775387361 - info@proficientgas.co.uk